Our Market Perspective

Our Perspective

Businesses around the world—whether large, medium or small—have, of course, always sought to reduce risk. 

Our experience over the past three and a half decades working across a wide array of geographies and industry verticals, however, is that the best performing enterprises do not focus singularly on, or give undue attention to, risk mitigation.  Rather, their success derives first and foremost from operational strategies that place priority on the imperative to grow.  

They have learned how to seize new market opportunities while minimizing exposure to risk.  

Our Market Perspective: Re-Balancing the Imperative for Business Growth


Management teams, C-suite Executives and Boards of Directors of businesses, whether large, medium or small—particularly those headquartered in advanced countries—tend to dwell on reducing exposure to risks.

It is thus no surprise that the main line of business of most transactional advisory and business investment strategy firms—especially those focused on emerging markets—centers on assessing risks and/or outlining steps their clients can take to decrease risk exposure.  

However, our experience, shaped over many years of working across a wide array of geographies and industry verticals, is that enterprises that have the highest rates of performance sustained over the longest periods of time are not those who focus singularly on, or give undue attention to, risk reduction alone.    

Rather, their success derives first and foremost from operationally adroit strategies that place priority on the imperative to grow. They are the enterprises that have learned how to focus on seizing new market opportunities while mitigating exposure to risk. 

This is our firm's raison d'etre.